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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Blog Tips N' Tricks: How to set-up a Blog on Blogger?

Ever wondered how to set up a blog but didn’t know the first step on how to do it?I will show you some of the finest details that makes most new users pull their hair out.  I’m going to show you some inside blog tricks and tips and also how to monetize your blog.

How to set up a blog on Blogger?
There are several parts to a blog that I will review.
I know you have heard the terms loosely website and a blog.
The term Blog is a site for personal use of sharing ideas or a consultation hub for users.
There term website is used when it is for products or services.

Header (Title)
The first is the Header. The Header indicates the name and or the logo of the site. The Header is at the top of the site, considered a branding statement for the blog.

The slider is an optional slide show presentation about the site. The Slider is generally used to highlight hot topics, breaking news, New released products, Trending Deals, You name it.
The slider is what draws the viewers eye to click on the presentation.

Static Image. 
The static image is enclosed right under the header.
It can work for you or against you. Be careful as every blog or niche are different and you have to determine whether a slider or static image is best layout for your site. Is your site a product or service, or referral agency. and if so are you planing to advertise.

Blog Post (body)
The blog post contains the information. It is the meat of the site and tells what the site is all about. You can post the latest news or article. The posts automatically sync after one another, so the latest article will be on top of the blog body?

The sidebar is the right or left margin of the blog body usually towards the right. On any website, on the right sidebar you will normally see a subscription box persuading the. For portfolio websites, the side in some instances the sidebar is gone so the website visitor can only focus on the body of the page.  On a site that has a sidebar included I would normally put the email subscription box at the top right hand margin. That way site visitors will be prompt to do what is called a “call to action” and is a way for you to keep track of your traffic and genuine subscribers.

The footer includes links, another email subscription box  and your contact information. The bottom of every website should have attribution stating the copyright the year, and the name of the website or the blog.The footer is separated from the rest of the body and is indicated by design.

Embedding Social Media links on your Blog
Social Media Icons are a way for site visitors to share your site. Most templates should already include social media icons on your site. However, if you have to embed social media icons on your site then try a site widget. 

A widget is an application that enables users to perform a function or access a service. a widget contains code in HTML, Javascript, CSS, or PHP. you will commonly see widgets in the HTML format. You can embed a widget from any site as long as it is the “height” and “width” of the side bar.

Adspace are for advertisers to promote an idea, product, or service on your website. You may utilize the space to prompt the reader to view your own product or service. There are generally 5 different places where you can post Ads: 
- They are the Ad banner which is above the navigation menu or by the header.
 -The sidebar which is a box size most popular space for advertisers.
-The sidebar long version which is for filling out forms with your information to the advertiser in details.
-The body which can be a banner or a boxed ad above or in the middle of a post.

Conclusion. Setting up a blog is fairly easy for everyone. Blogger is the easiest blogging platform to blog.


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