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Track Topics with Google+ Hashtags
Google+ Hashtags are links that allow users to create or follow up on topics you discuss about.   The tags are parallel to the famous twitter hashtags and are based on subject matter.  The hashtags can be used as links to blogposts or anchored webpages.  Google+ hashtags are good to organize the topics that you discuss about and allow readers to follow up on the subjects to link other Google+ pages.  The # symbol is added to the word with no spaces between the # and the topic links to the page and allows you to keep track of your posts hince #googleplustips.  You can also edit options for the hashtags to have others outside of your circle view your posts or hashtags.  The idea of the hashtags are based on the metatags used on webpages and allows site visitors to view the tag named closely related to the topic.  Hashtags acts as more of a link and a less crowded way to post a link similar to Bit.ly.

Boosts Google+ Ratings With #Hashtags by Sharing 1+
The hashtag also allows users to share posts now in the comments section including the #hashtag.  Users that use your #hashtags can be added to your Google+ Circles.  Other users that posts hashtags liked to your page can boosts your Google+ ratings. The tags posted on additional social media sites can also boosts the ratings of other pages, increasing your possible amount of subscribers and those users can share the tags. Google also auto-generated hastags, giving topic suggestive tags to users closely related to the topic.

Explore Hashtags with Google Plus Bar
A new tab was added called "Explore" on the Google+ pages.  Explore a hashtag in the explore a hastag box.  The search box allows users to search up to 20 hashtags named from the one search, with tags named from related content.  In order for a new hashtag to show up on top of a Google+ search page, it has to be shared by users.  Or, if you want to search for a particular hashtag based on a topic, just type the tag in the Google Plus Search bar or click on the hashtag to link to the posts. You can refine the search and find your hashtag by filtering your search.  The Google+ hashtag will work if it is highlighted in blue. Please feel free share comments and posts with Google+ Hashtags.


Amal Graafstra subdermal RFID implant by doctors,
iodine disinfectant for hand surgery Source: Wikipedia

Brooklyn, NY- Fox News reported that there was a man had cartoon characters and celebrities have stated there are some strange tattoos out their but this man must of made it to the top of the list.  Dr. Anthony Antonellius, a body modification specialist, cut open the gap between the skin between his thumb and finger.  The chip requires 30 minutes of some unbearable pain from a large needle.  The RFID microchip is no more than 1-2 mm and as small as a grain of rice.  It is an identifying transcoder to be planted in human beings and each carries a unique 16 digit ID numbers.  It was encased inside a glass capsule before implanting it in his flesh.  Antonellius stated  "I Eternal Sunshine'd that entire hour of my life,"  meaning that it would hurt like hell, literally.  

Avid Injector: Needle used to insert the
 digital RFID chip,
 Source: Wikimedia Commons
A Washington business owner and author, Amal Graafstra, had a cosmetic surgeon perform a subdermal implant in his left hand and another doctor in his right hand. Graafstra uses the chip to open the car door and log in ot his computer.  He as others believe the chip will help with security as well as other needs.  However, many disagree with the idea and debate if the cheap is a breach of surveillance and invades privacy, as well as other concerns of 'controlling' the thought processes of the human body and mind. British doctor was the first to have an implant, Kevin Warwick in 1998.  Mikey Sklar had the first implant done in 1999.  filmed the procedure, and discussed the implant on multiple interviews. The implant is being held at the Science Museum in London.

VeriChip Corporation received a preliminary approval in 2004 by the FDA (Food Drug Administration) to distribute and market the microchip in the U.S. under specific rules and regulations. However, in 2007, it was found chip implants in laboratory animals caused cancer, creating a huge impact on the company's stock prices. VeriTeQ made an acquisition to VeriChip on Janurary 2012.  The company is now led by Scott R. Silverman, former CEO of PositiveID and VeriChip Corporation.

RFID chip smaller than a grain of rice,
source: Wikimedia Commons
The GIF (graphics interchangeable format) has a fluorescent color and when held to an Android Phone or iPhones can scanned or detect information. The reason for the implant is uncertain whether the intention was to download information from the iPhone or whether he wanted to be scanned for information.

Read More:
 "What did this man put in his hand?" Fox News. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2013.
"Microchip implant (human)." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, n.d. Web. 29. Aug. 2013.


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